Module see.base_classes

The base_classes module is used for the rest of the image grammar to set up base classes.

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"""The base_classes module is used for the rest of the image grammar to set up base classes."""
import copy
import time
import random
import inspect

class pipedata(object):
    The pipedata is just an instance of a basic python object.
    It is used to dynamically
    store output data from a wide variety of algorithms. Most algorithms in the pipe jsut add
    data to this objet which is passed in as an input argument and returned as an output argument.

class param_space(dict):
    """Construct an parameter dictionary that represents the search space.

        pkeys - paramters keys used by the current algorithsm.
        descriptions - Descriptions of the parameters
        ranges - List of possible choices for each parameter.

    descriptions = dict()
    ranges = dict()
    pkeys = []

    def add(cls, key, prange, description):
        """Add in parameters.
            key - the paramter name
            prange - the parameter range
            description - the description of the parameter
        cls.descriptions[key] = description
        cls.ranges[key] = prange
        if key not in cls.pkeys:

    def addall(self,params):
        """Add a list of paramters to the current paramter list."""
        if issubclass(type(params), param_space):
            for key in params:
                self.add(key, params.ranges[key], params.descriptions[key])
                self[key] = params[key]
            raise TypeError('A very specific bad thing happened.')

    def printparam(self, key):
        """Return description of parameter from param list."""      

        outstring = f"{key}={self[key]}\n\t{self.descriptions[key]}"

        if len(self.ranges) < 10:
            outstring += "\n\t{self.ranges[key]}\n\n"
            outstring += "\n\t{self.ranges[key][:2]}...{self.ranges[key][-2:]}\n\n"

        return outstring

#     def __str__(self):
#         """Return descriptions of all parameters in param list."""
#         out = ""
#         for index, k in enumerate(self.pkeys):
#             out += f"{index} " + self.printparam(k)
#         return out

    def tolist(self):
        """Convert dictionary of params into list of parameters."""
        plist = []
        for key in self.pkeys:
        return plist

    def fromlist(self, individual):
        """Convert individual's list into dictionary of params."""
        #logging.getLogger().info(f"Parsing Parameter List for {len(individual)} parameters")
        for index, key in enumerate(self.pkeys):
            self[key] = individual[index]

class algorithm(object):
    """Base class for any image alogirthm.

    evaluate -- Run segmentation algorithm to get inferred mask.


    def __init__(self, paramlist=None):
        """Generate algorithm params from parameter list."""
        self.params = param_space()

    def set_params(self, paramlist=None):
        """Set parameters from parameter list."""
        if paramlist:
            if issubclass(type(paramlist), param_space):
                self.params = copy.deepcopy(paramlist)
                # print(f"{type(paramlist)}_paramlist={paramlist}")
        # TODO Comment this back in
        # self.checkparamindex()

    def checkparamindex(self):
        """Check paramiter keys to ensure values are valid."""
        for myparams in self.params.pkeys:
            assert myparams in self.params, f"ERROR {myparams} is not in parameter list"

    def mutateself(self, flip_prob=0.5):
        """Mutate self and return new params."""
        for myparam in self.params.pkeys:
            rand_val = random.random()
            if rand_val < flip_prob:
                self.params[myparam] = random.choice(
        return self.params

    def pipe(self, data):
        """Run segmentation algorithm to get inferred mask."""
        print("WARNING: Default Pipe, doing nothing\n")
        return data

    def __str__(self):
        """Return params for algorithm."""
        mystring = f"{type(self)} parameters: \n"
        for p in self.params.pkeys:
            mystring += f"\t{p} = {self.params[p]}\n"
        return mystring

    def runAlgo(self, data, params=None):
        """Run and evaluate the performance of an individual.

        Keyword arguments:
        data -- pipedata both input and output.
        params -- the list representing an individual in our population

        fitness -- resulting fitness value for the individual
        mask -- resulting image mask associated with the individual (if return_mask=True)

        #TODO make this funciton more flexible and allow multiple types of params 

        # i'm thinking (list, param_space and algorithm)
        startTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
        if params:
            seg = type(self)(paramlist=params)
            data = seg.pipe(data)
            endTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
            print(f"Time: {(endTime - startTime)/1000} s")
            data = self.pipe(data)
            endTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
            print(f"Time: {(endTime - startTime)/1000} s")
        return data    
    def mutate_self(self,flip_prob=0.5):
        """Mutate self.
        Mutate algorithm if random value is
        less than 0.5.

        print("using default mutation function")
        for keys in self.params:
            rand_val = random.random()
            if rand_val < flip_prob:
                # Let's mutate the algorithm
                self.params[index] = random.choice(self.params.ranges[index])

    def algorithm_code(self):
        """Print usable code to run segmentation algorithm.
        Based on an
        individual's genetic representation vector.
        original_function = inspect.getsource(self.evaluate)

        return original_function

def mutateAlgo(algorithm, paramlist, flip_prob=0.5):
    """Generate an offspring based on current individual."""
    child = algorithm(paramlist=paramlist)
    return child

def popCounts(pop):
    """Count the number of each algorihtm in a population."""
    algorithms = seg_params.ranges["algorithm"]
    counts = {a: 0 for a in algorithms}
    for p in pop:
        # print(p[0])
        counts[p[0]] += 1
    return counts


def mutateAlgo(algorithm, paramlist, flip_prob=0.5)

Generate an offspring based on current individual.

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def mutateAlgo(algorithm, paramlist, flip_prob=0.5):
    """Generate an offspring based on current individual."""
    child = algorithm(paramlist=paramlist)
    return child
def popCounts(pop)

Count the number of each algorihtm in a population.

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def popCounts(pop):
    """Count the number of each algorihtm in a population."""
    algorithms = seg_params.ranges["algorithm"]
    counts = {a: 0 for a in algorithms}
    for p in pop:
        # print(p[0])
        counts[p[0]] += 1
    return counts


class algorithm (paramlist=None)

Base class for any image alogirthm.

Functions: evaluate – Run segmentation algorithm to get inferred mask.

Generate algorithm params from parameter list.

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class algorithm(object):
    """Base class for any image alogirthm.

    evaluate -- Run segmentation algorithm to get inferred mask.


    def __init__(self, paramlist=None):
        """Generate algorithm params from parameter list."""
        self.params = param_space()

    def set_params(self, paramlist=None):
        """Set parameters from parameter list."""
        if paramlist:
            if issubclass(type(paramlist), param_space):
                self.params = copy.deepcopy(paramlist)
                # print(f"{type(paramlist)}_paramlist={paramlist}")
        # TODO Comment this back in
        # self.checkparamindex()

    def checkparamindex(self):
        """Check paramiter keys to ensure values are valid."""
        for myparams in self.params.pkeys:
            assert myparams in self.params, f"ERROR {myparams} is not in parameter list"

    def mutateself(self, flip_prob=0.5):
        """Mutate self and return new params."""
        for myparam in self.params.pkeys:
            rand_val = random.random()
            if rand_val < flip_prob:
                self.params[myparam] = random.choice(
        return self.params

    def pipe(self, data):
        """Run segmentation algorithm to get inferred mask."""
        print("WARNING: Default Pipe, doing nothing\n")
        return data

    def __str__(self):
        """Return params for algorithm."""
        mystring = f"{type(self)} parameters: \n"
        for p in self.params.pkeys:
            mystring += f"\t{p} = {self.params[p]}\n"
        return mystring

    def runAlgo(self, data, params=None):
        """Run and evaluate the performance of an individual.

        Keyword arguments:
        data -- pipedata both input and output.
        params -- the list representing an individual in our population

        fitness -- resulting fitness value for the individual
        mask -- resulting image mask associated with the individual (if return_mask=True)

        #TODO make this funciton more flexible and allow multiple types of params 

        # i'm thinking (list, param_space and algorithm)
        startTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
        if params:
            seg = type(self)(paramlist=params)
            data = seg.pipe(data)
            endTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
            print(f"Time: {(endTime - startTime)/1000} s")
            data = self.pipe(data)
            endTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
            print(f"Time: {(endTime - startTime)/1000} s")
        return data    
    def mutate_self(self,flip_prob=0.5):
        """Mutate self.
        Mutate algorithm if random value is
        less than 0.5.

        print("using default mutation function")
        for keys in self.params:
            rand_val = random.random()
            if rand_val < flip_prob:
                # Let's mutate the algorithm
                self.params[index] = random.choice(self.params.ranges[index])

    def algorithm_code(self):
        """Print usable code to run segmentation algorithm.
        Based on an
        individual's genetic representation vector.
        original_function = inspect.getsource(self.evaluate)

        return original_function



def algorithm_code(self)

Print usable code to run segmentation algorithm.

Based on an individual's genetic representation vector.

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def algorithm_code(self):
    """Print usable code to run segmentation algorithm.
    Based on an
    individual's genetic representation vector.
    original_function = inspect.getsource(self.evaluate)

    return original_function
def checkparamindex(self)

Check paramiter keys to ensure values are valid.

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def checkparamindex(self):
    """Check paramiter keys to ensure values are valid."""
    for myparams in self.params.pkeys:
        assert myparams in self.params, f"ERROR {myparams} is not in parameter list"
def mutate_self(self, flip_prob=0.5)

Mutate self.

Mutate algorithm if random value is less than 0.5.

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def mutate_self(self,flip_prob=0.5):
    """Mutate self.
    Mutate algorithm if random value is
    less than 0.5.

    print("using default mutation function")
    for keys in self.params:
        rand_val = random.random()
        if rand_val < flip_prob:
            # Let's mutate the algorithm
            self.params[index] = random.choice(self.params.ranges[index])
def mutateself(self, flip_prob=0.5)

Mutate self and return new params.

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def mutateself(self, flip_prob=0.5):
    """Mutate self and return new params."""
    for myparam in self.params.pkeys:
        rand_val = random.random()
        if rand_val < flip_prob:
            self.params[myparam] = random.choice(
    return self.params
def pipe(self, data)

Run segmentation algorithm to get inferred mask.

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def pipe(self, data):
    """Run segmentation algorithm to get inferred mask."""
    print("WARNING: Default Pipe, doing nothing\n")
    return data
def runAlgo(self, data, params=None)

Run and evaluate the performance of an individual.

Keyword arguments: data – pipedata both input and output. params – the list representing an individual in our population

Output: fitness – resulting fitness value for the individual mask – resulting image mask associated with the individual (if return_mask=True)

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def runAlgo(self, data, params=None):
    """Run and evaluate the performance of an individual.

    Keyword arguments:
    data -- pipedata both input and output.
    params -- the list representing an individual in our population

    fitness -- resulting fitness value for the individual
    mask -- resulting image mask associated with the individual (if return_mask=True)

    #TODO make this funciton more flexible and allow multiple types of params 

    # i'm thinking (list, param_space and algorithm)
    startTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
    if params:
        seg = type(self)(paramlist=params)
        data = seg.pipe(data)
        endTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
        print(f"Time: {(endTime - startTime)/1000} s")
        data = self.pipe(data)
        endTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
        print(f"Time: {(endTime - startTime)/1000} s")
    return data    
def set_params(self, paramlist=None)

Set parameters from parameter list.

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def set_params(self, paramlist=None):
    """Set parameters from parameter list."""
    if paramlist:
        if issubclass(type(paramlist), param_space):
            self.params = copy.deepcopy(paramlist)
            # print(f"{type(paramlist)}_paramlist={paramlist}")
class param_space (*args, **kwargs)

Construct an parameter dictionary that represents the search space.


pkeys - paramters keys used by the current algorithsm. descriptions - Descriptions of the parameters ranges - List of possible choices for each parameter.

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class param_space(dict):
    """Construct an parameter dictionary that represents the search space.

        pkeys - paramters keys used by the current algorithsm.
        descriptions - Descriptions of the parameters
        ranges - List of possible choices for each parameter.

    descriptions = dict()
    ranges = dict()
    pkeys = []

    def add(cls, key, prange, description):
        """Add in parameters.
            key - the paramter name
            prange - the parameter range
            description - the description of the parameter
        cls.descriptions[key] = description
        cls.ranges[key] = prange
        if key not in cls.pkeys:

    def addall(self,params):
        """Add a list of paramters to the current paramter list."""
        if issubclass(type(params), param_space):
            for key in params:
                self.add(key, params.ranges[key], params.descriptions[key])
                self[key] = params[key]
            raise TypeError('A very specific bad thing happened.')

    def printparam(self, key):
        """Return description of parameter from param list."""      

        outstring = f"{key}={self[key]}\n\t{self.descriptions[key]}"

        if len(self.ranges) < 10:
            outstring += "\n\t{self.ranges[key]}\n\n"
            outstring += "\n\t{self.ranges[key][:2]}...{self.ranges[key][-2:]}\n\n"

        return outstring

#     def __str__(self):
#         """Return descriptions of all parameters in param list."""
#         out = ""
#         for index, k in enumerate(self.pkeys):
#             out += f"{index} " + self.printparam(k)
#         return out

    def tolist(self):
        """Convert dictionary of params into list of parameters."""
        plist = []
        for key in self.pkeys:
        return plist

    def fromlist(self, individual):
        """Convert individual's list into dictionary of params."""
        #logging.getLogger().info(f"Parsing Parameter List for {len(individual)} parameters")
        for index, key in enumerate(self.pkeys):
            self[key] = individual[index]


  • builtins.dict


Class variables

var descriptions
var pkeys
var ranges

Static methods

def add(key, prange, description)

Add in parameters.


key - the paramter name prange - the parameter range description - the description of the parameter

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def add(cls, key, prange, description):
    """Add in parameters.
        key - the paramter name
        prange - the parameter range
        description - the description of the parameter
    cls.descriptions[key] = description
    cls.ranges[key] = prange
    if key not in cls.pkeys:


def addall(self, params)

Add a list of paramters to the current paramter list.

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def addall(self,params):
    """Add a list of paramters to the current paramter list."""
    if issubclass(type(params), param_space):
        for key in params:
            self.add(key, params.ranges[key], params.descriptions[key])
            self[key] = params[key]
        raise TypeError('A very specific bad thing happened.')
def fromlist(self, individual)

Convert individual's list into dictionary of params.

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def fromlist(self, individual):
    """Convert individual's list into dictionary of params."""
    #logging.getLogger().info(f"Parsing Parameter List for {len(individual)} parameters")
    for index, key in enumerate(self.pkeys):
        self[key] = individual[index]
def printparam(self, key)

Return description of parameter from param list.

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def printparam(self, key):
    """Return description of parameter from param list."""      

    outstring = f"{key}={self[key]}\n\t{self.descriptions[key]}"

    if len(self.ranges) < 10:
        outstring += "\n\t{self.ranges[key]}\n\n"
        outstring += "\n\t{self.ranges[key][:2]}...{self.ranges[key][-2:]}\n\n"

    return outstring
def tolist(self)

Convert dictionary of params into list of parameters.

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def tolist(self):
    """Convert dictionary of params into list of parameters."""
    plist = []
    for key in self.pkeys:
    return plist
class pipedata

The pipedata is just an instance of a basic python object.

It is used to dynamically store output data from a wide variety of algorithms. Most algorithms in the pipe jsut add data to this objet which is passed in as an input argument and returned as an output argument.

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class pipedata(object):
    The pipedata is just an instance of a basic python object.
    It is used to dynamically
    store output data from a wide variety of algorithms. Most algorithms in the pipe jsut add
    data to this objet which is passed in as an input argument and returned as an output argument.