Module see.Segmentors
Segmentor algorithm library designed to segment images with a searchable parameter space.
This libary actually does not incode the search code itself, instead it just defines the search parameters and the evaluation funtions.
Expand source code
"""Segmentor algorithm library designed to segment images with a searchable parameter space.
This libary actually does not incode the search code itself, instead it just defines
the search parameters and the evaluation funtions.
from collections import OrderedDict
import sys
import logging
import numpy as np
import skimage
from skimage import segmentation
from skimage import color
from see.base_classes import param_space, algorithm
class seg_params(param_space):
"""Create and add parameters to data structures."""
descriptions = dict()
ranges = dict()
pkeys = []
"string code for the algorithm")
[float(i) / 256 for i in range(0, 256)],
"General Purpos Lower bound threshold"
[float(i) / 256 for i in range(0, 256)],
"General Purpos Upper bound threshold"
[float(i) / 256 for i in range(0, 256)],
"General Purpos Lower bound threshold"
[float(i) / 256 for i in range(0, 256)],
"General Purpos Upper bound threshold"
[float(i) / 256 for i in range(0, 256)],
"General Purpos Lower bound threshold"
[float(i) / 256 for i in range(0, 256)],
"General Purpos Upper bound threshold"
[i for i in range(0, 10)],
"General Purpos Upper bound threshold"
[i for i in range(1, 20)],
"General Purpos Upper bound threshold"
class segmentor(algorithm):
"""Base class for segmentor classes defined below.
evaluate -- Run segmentation algorithm to get inferred mask.
algorithmspace = dict()
def __init__(self, paramlist=None):
"""Generate algorithm params from parameter list."""
#super(ColorThreshold, self).__init__(paramlist)
self.params = seg_params()
self.params['algorithm'] = 'ColorThreshold'
self.params['alpha1'] = 0.3
self.params['alpha2'] = 0.5
self.params['beta1'] = 0.2
self.params['beta2'] = 0.7
self.params['gamma1'] = 0.3
self.params['gamma2'] = 0.5
self.params['n_segments'] = 2
self.params['max_iter'] = 10
# TODO use name to build a dictionary to use as a chache
def evaluate(self, img):
"""Run segmentation algorithm to get inferred mask."""
#print(f"Running {self.params}")
self.thisalgo = segmentor.algorithmspace[self.params['algorithm']](
return self.thisalgo.evaluate(img)
def pipe(self, data):
"""Set data.mask to an evaluated image."""
data.mask = self.evaluate(data.img)
return data
def addsegmentor(cls, key, seg):
"""Add a segmentor."""
cls.algorithmspace[key] = seg
class ColorThreshold(segmentor):
Peform Color Thresholding segmentation algorithm. Segments parts of the image
based on the numerical values for the respective channel.
mulitchannel - (multichannel) - bool, Whether the image is 2D or 3D
colorspace - (colorspace) Select the colorspace [‘RGB’, ‘HSV’, ‘RGB CIE’, ‘XYZ’, ‘YUV’, ‘YIQ’, ‘YPbPr’, ‘YCbCr’, ‘YDbDr’]
channel - (channel) color chanel (0:R/H/L 1:G/S/A, 2:B/V/B)
ch0_mn - (alpha1) - minimum thresholding value for channel 0
ch0_mx - (alpha2) - maximum thresholding value for channel 0
ch1_mn - (beta1) - minimum thresholding value for channel 1
ch1_mx - (beta2) - maximum thresholding value for channel 1
ch2_mn - (gamma1) - minimum thresholding value for channel 2
ch2_mx - (gamma2) - maximum thresholding value for channel 2
Note: a colorspace of 'HSV' and a channel of 2 is a grayscale image.
Typically any pixel between my_mn and my_mx are true. Other pixels are false.
if my_mn > my_mx then the logic flips and anything above my_mn and below my_mx are true.
The pixels between the valuse are false
def __init__(self, paramlist=None):
"""Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm.
Assign default values to these parameters.
self.params = seg_params()
self.params["algorithm"] = "ColorThreshold"
self.params["alpha1"] = 0.4
self.params["alpha2"] = 0.6
self.params["beta1"] = 0.4
self.params["beta2"] = 0.6
self.params["gamma1"] = 0.4
self.params["gamma2"] = 0.6
self.paramindexes = ["alpha1", "alpha2",
"beta1", "beta2",
"gamma1", "gamma2"]
#print(f"colorthreshold.paramlist = {paramlist}")
# print(f"_init_.self.params={self.params}")
def evaluate(self, img): # XX
"""Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image.
Keyword arguments:
img -- Original training image.
output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm.
minlist = ["alpha1", "beta1", "gamma1"]
maxlist = ["alpha2", "beta2", "gamma2"]
output = None
# print(f"self.params={self.params}")
if len(img.shape) > 2:
output = np.ones([img.shape[0], img.shape[1]])
for dimidx in range(3):
pscale = np.max(img[:, :, dimidx])
my_mn = float(self.params[minlist[dimidx]]) * pscale
my_mx = float(self.params[maxlist[dimidx]]) * pscale
if my_mn < my_mx:
output[img[:, :, dimidx] < my_mn] = 0
output[img[:, :, dimidx] > my_mx] = 0
flag1 = img[:, :, dimidx] > my_mn
flag2 = img[:, :, dimidx] < my_mx
output[np.logical_and(flag1, flag2)] = 0
pscale = np.max(img)
chidx = 0
if "channel" in self.params:
chidx = self.params["channel"]
my_mn = float(self.params[minlist[chidx]]) * pscale
my_mx = float(self.params[maxlist[chidx]]) * pscale
if my_mn < my_mx:
output = np.ones(img.shape)
output[img < my_mn] = 0
output[img > my_mx] = 0
output = np.zeros(img.shape)
output[img > my_mn] = 1
output[img < my_mx] = 1
return output
segmentor.addsegmentor('ColorThreshold', ColorThreshold)
class Felzenszwalb(segmentor):
"""Perform Felzenszwalb segmentation algorithm.
The felzenszwalb algorithms computes a
graph based on the segmentation. Produces an oversegmentation of the multichannel using
min-span tree. Returns an integer mask indicating the segment labels.
Note: a colorspace of 'HSV' and a channel of 2 is a grayscale image.
colorspace - (colorspace) Select the colorspace (0:RGB, 1:HSV, 2:LAB)
channel - (channel) color chanel (0:R/H/L 1:G/S/A, 2:B/V/B)
scale - (alpha2*1000) - float, higher meanse larger clusters
sigma - (alpha1) - float, std. dev of Gaussian kernel for preprocessing
min_size - int(beta1*100) - int, minimum component size (in pixels). For postprocessing
# def __doc__(self):
# """Return help string for function."""
# myhelp = "Wrapper function for the scikit-image Felzenszwalb segmentor:"
# myhelp += f" xx {skimage.segmentation.random_walker.__doc__}"
# return myhelp
def __init__(self, paramlist=None):
"""Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm.
Assign default values to these parameters.
super(Felzenszwalb, self).__init__(paramlist)
self.params["algorithm"] = "Felzenszwalb"
self.params["alpha2"] = 0.984
self.params["alpha1"] = 0.09
self.params["beta1"] = 0.92
self.paramindexes = ["alpha1", "alpha2", "beta1"]
def evaluate(self, img):
"""Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image.
Keyword arguments:
img -- Original training image.
output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm.
scale = self.params["alpha2"]*1000
sigma = self.params["alpha1"]
min_size = int(self.params["beta1"] * 100)
if len(img.shape) > 2:
output = skimage.segmentation.felzenszwalb(
output = skimage.segmentation.felzenszwalb(
return output
# def sharepython(self, img):
# multichannel = self.params['multichannel']
# if len(img.shape) == 1:
# multichannel = False
# if (multichannel):
# mystring= f"""
# output = skimage.segmentation.felzenszwalb(
# img,
# {self.params["alpha2"]*1000},
# {self.params["alpha1"]},
# {int(self.params["beta1"]*100)},
# multichannel={multichannel}
# )"""
# else:
# mystring= f"""
# output = skimage.segmentation.felzenszwalb(
# getchannel(img, {self.params["channel"]}),
# {self.params["alpha2"]*1000},
# {self.params["alpha1"]},
# {int(self.params["beta1"]*100)},
# multichannel={multichannel}
# )"""
# return mystring
segmentor.addsegmentor('Felzenszwalb', Felzenszwalb)
class Slic(segmentor):
"""Perform the Slic segmentation algorithm.
Segments k-means clustering in Color space
(x, y, z). Returns a 2D or 3D array of labels.
image -- ndarray, input image
n_segments -- int, approximate number of labels in segmented output image
compactness -- float, Balances color proximity and space proximity.
Higher values mean more weight to space proximity (superpixels
become more square/cubic) Recommended log scale values (0.01,
0.1, 1, 10, 100, etc)
max_iter -- int, max number of iterations of k-means
sigma -- float or (3,) shape array of floats, width of Guassian
smoothing kernel. For pre-processing for each dimesion of the
image. Zero means no smoothing.
spacing -- (3,) shape float array. Voxel spacing along each image
dimension. Defalt is uniform spacing
multichannel -- bool, multichannel (True) vs grayscale (False)
def __init__(self, paramlist=None):
"""Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm.
Assign default values to these parameters.
super(Slic, self).__init__(paramlist)
self.params["algorithm"] = "Slic"
self.params["n_segments"] = 5
self.params["beta1"] = 2
self.params["max_iter"] = 10
self.params["alpha1"] = 0.5
self.paramindexes = ["n_segments", "alpha1", "beta1", "max_iter"]
self.slico = False
def evaluate(self, img):
"""Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image.
Keyword arguments:
img -- Original training image.
output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm.
compactness = 10**(self.params["beta1"]*3-3)
n_segments = self.params["n_segments"]+1
max_iter = self.params["max_iter"]
if len(img.shape) > 2:
output = skimage.segmentation.slic(
# Gaussian smoothing should happen as a preprocessing step.
output = skimage.segmentation.slic(
return output
segmentor.addsegmentor('Slic', Slic)
# TODO Update to remove any parameters that SLICO dosn't use. (Currently
# this includes the SLIP parameters)
class SlicO(Slic):
"""Perform the SlicO segmentation algorithm.
Segments k-means clustering in Color space
(x, y, z). Returns a 2D or 3D array of labels.
image -- ndarray, input image
n_segments -- int, approximate number of labels in segmented output image
compactness -- float, Balances color proximity and space proximity.
Higher values mean more weight to space proximity (superpixels
become more square/cubic) Recommended log scale values (0.01,
0.1, 1, 10, 100, etc)
max_iter -- int, max number of iterations of k-means
sigma -- float or (3,) shape array of floats, width of Guassian
smoothing kernel. For pre-processing for each dimesion of the
image. Zero means no smoothing.
spacing -- (3,) shape float array. Voxel spacing along each image
dimension. Defalt is uniform spacing
multichannel -- bool, multichannel (True) vs grayscale (False)
def __init__(self, paramlist=None):
"""Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm.
Assign default values to these parameters.
super(SlicO, self).__init__(paramlist)
self.slico = True
segmentor.addsegmentor('SlicO', SlicO)
# TODO Quickshift is very slow, we need to do some benchmarks and see what
# are resonable running ranges.
class QuickShift(segmentor):
"""Perform the Quick Shift segmentation algorithm.
Segments images with quickshift
clustering in Color (x,y) space. Returns ndarray segmentation mask of the labels.
image -- ndarray, input image
ratio -- float, balances color-space proximity & image-space
proximity. Higher vals give more weight to color-space
kernel_size: float, Width of Guassian kernel using smoothing.
Higher means fewer clusters
max_dist -- float, Cut-off point for data distances. Higher means fewer clusters
sigma -- float, Width of Guassian smoothing as preprocessing.
Zero means no smoothing
random_seed -- int, Random seed used for breacking ties.
def __init__(self, paramlist=None):
"""Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm.
Assign default values to these parameters.
super(QuickShift, self).__init__(paramlist)
self.params["algorithm"] = "QuickShift"
self.params["alpha1"] = 0.5
self.params["beta1"] = 0.5
self.params["beta2"] = 0.5
self.paramindexes = ["alpha1", "beta1", "beta2"]
def evaluate(self, img):
"""Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image.
Keyword arguments:
img -- Original training image.
output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm.
mindim = min(img.shape)
ratio = self.params["alpha1"]
kernel_size = mindim / 10 * self.params["beta1"] + 1
max_dist = mindim * self.params["beta2"]
output = skimage.segmentation.quickshift(
sigma=0, # TODO this should be handeled in the preprocessing step
return output
segmentor.addsegmentor('QuickShift', QuickShift)
# TODO Watershed one seems to be broken all we get is a line at the top.
class Watershed(segmentor):
"""Perform the Watershed segmentation algorithm. Uses user-markers.
treats markers as basins and 'floods' them. Especially good if overlapping objects.
Returns a labeled image ndarray.
image -- ndarray, input array
compactness -- float, compactness of the basins. Higher values
make more regularly-shaped basin.
# Not using connectivity, markers, or offset params as arrays would
# expand the search space too much.
# abbreviation for algorithm = WS
def __init__(self, paramlist=None):
"""Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm.
Assign default values to these parameters.
super(Watershed, self).__init__(paramlist)
self.params["algorithm"] = "Watershed"
self.params["alpha1"] = 0.66
self.paramindexes = ["alpha1"]
def evaluate(self, img):
"""Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image.
Keyword arguments:
img -- Original training image.
output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm.
compactness = self.params["alpha1"]*3
output = skimage.segmentation.watershed(
img, markers=None, compactness=compactness
return output
segmentor.addsegmentor('Watershed', Watershed)
# TODO Chan_Vese one seems very broken. All we get is a circle.
class Chan_Vese(segmentor):
"""Peform Chan Vese segmentation algorithm. ONLY GRAYSCALE.
Segments objects
without clear boundaries. Returns segmentation array of algorithm.
image -- ndarray grayscale image to be segmented
mu -- float, 'edge length' weight parameter. Higher mu vals make a
'round edge' closer to zero will detect smaller objects. Typical
values are from 0 - 1.
lambda1 -- float 'diff from average' weight param to determine if
output region is True. If lower than lambda1, the region has a
larger range of values than the other
lambda2 -- float 'diff from average' weight param to determine if
output region is False. If lower than lambda1, the region will
have a larger range of values
tol -- positive float, typically (0-1), very low level set variation
tolerance between iterations.
max_iter -- uint, max number of iterations before algorithms stops
dt -- float, Multiplication factor applied at the calculations step
# Abbreviation for Algorithm = CV
def __init__(self, paramlist=None):
"""Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm.
Assign default values to these parameters.
super(Chan_Vese, self).__init__(paramlist)
self.params["algorithm"] = "Chan_Vese"
self.params["alpha1"] = 1
self.params["beta1"] = 1
self.params["beta2"] = 1
self.params["max_iter"] = 10
self.params["alpha2"] = 0.10
self.params["n_segments"] = 0
# self.params["tolerance"] = 0.001 #TODO Removed, consider adding in
# later if need be.
self.paramindexes = ["alpha1", "alpha2",
"beta1", "beta2", "n_segments", "max_iter"]
def evaluate(self, img):
"""Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image.
Keyword arguments:
img -- Original training image.
output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm.
# TODO I think this should be between zero and one.
mu = self.params["alpha1"] * 2
# TODO Not sure about the range of these. Previous was (10,20)
lambda1 = self.params["beta1"]
lambda2 = self.params["beta2"]
max_iter = self.params["max_iter"]
dt = self.params["alpha2"]
level_set_shapes = ['checkerboard', 'disk', 'small disk']
init_level_set = level_set_shapes[self.params['n_segments'] % 3]
if len(img.shape) > 2:
if "channel" in self.params:
channel = self.params['channel']
img = img[:, :, channel]
img = color.rgb2gray(img)
output = skimage.segmentation.chan_vese(
return output
segmentor.addsegmentor('Chan_Vese', Chan_Vese)
class Morphological_Chan_Vese(segmentor):
"""Peform Morphological Chan Vese segmentation algorithm.
ONLY WORKS ON GRAYSCALE. Active contours without edges. Can be used to
segment images/volumes without good borders. Required that the inside of
the object looks different than outside (color, shade, darker).
image -- ndarray of grayscale image
iterations -- uint, number of iterations to run
init_level_set -- str, or array same shape as image. Accepted string
values are:
'checkerboard': Uses checkerboard_level_set. Returns a binary level set of a checkerboard
'circle': Uses circle_level_set. Creates a binary level set of a circle, given radius and a
smoothing -- uint, number of times the smoothing operator is applied
per iteration. Usually around 1-4. Larger values make it smoother
lambda1 -- Weight param for outer region. If larger than lambda2,
outer region will give larger range of values than inner value.
lambda2 -- Weight param for inner region. If larger thant lambda1,
inner region will have a larger range of values than outer region.
# Abbreviation for algorithm = MCV
def __init__(self, paramlist=None):
"""Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm.
Assign default values to these parameters.
super(Morphological_Chan_Vese, self).__init__(paramlist)
if not paramlist:
self.params["algorithm"] = "Morphological_Chan_Vese"
self.params["alpha1"] = 1
self.params["beta1"] = 1
self.params["beta2"] = 1
self.params["max_iter"] = 10
self.params["n_segments"] = 0
# self.params["tolerance"] = 0.001 #TODO Removed, consider adding
# in later if need be.
self.paramindexes = ["alpha1", "beta1",
"beta2", "n_segments", "max_iter"]
def evaluate(self, img):
"""Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image.
Keyword arguments:
img -- Original training image.
output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm.
smoothing = int(self.params["alpha1"]*4)
# TODO We may want to move this? We need a number 1-4 smoothing iterations
# TODO Not sure about the range of these. Previous was (10,20)
lambda1 = self.params["beta1"]
lambda2 = self.params["beta2"]
max_iter = self.params["max_iter"]
level_set_shapes = ['checkerboard', 'circle']
init_level_set = level_set_shapes[self.params['n_segments'] % 2]
if len(img.shape) > 2:
if "channel" in self.params:
channel = self.params['channel']
img = img[:, :, channel]
img = color.rgb2gray(img)
output = skimage.segmentation.morphological_chan_vese(
return output
segmentor.addsegmentor('Morphological_Chan_Vese', Morphological_Chan_Vese)
class MorphGeodesicActiveContour(segmentor):
"""Peform Morphological Geodesic Active Contour segmentation algorithm.
an image from inverse_gaussian_gradient in order to segment object with visible,
but noisy/broken borders. inverse_gaussian_gradient computes the magnitude of
the gradients in an image. Returns a preprocessed image suitable for above function.
Returns ndarray of segmented image.
gimage -- array, preprocessed image to be segmented.
iterations -- uint, number of iterations to run.
init_level_set -- str, array same shape as gimage. If string, possible
values are:
'checkerboard': Uses checkerboard_level_set. Returns a binary level set of a checkerboard
'circle': Uses circle_level_set. Creates a binary level set of a circle, given radius and a
smoothing -- uint, number of times the smoothing operator is applied
per iteration. Usually 1-4, larger values have smoother segmentation.
threshold -- Areas of image with a smaller value than the threshold are borders.
balloon -- float, guides contour of low-information parts of image.
Preprocessign step:
# Abbrevieation for algorithm = AC
def __init__(self, paramlist=None):
"""Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm.
Assign default values to these parameters.
super(MorphGeodesicActiveContour, self).__init__(paramlist)
if not paramlist:
self.params["algorithm"] = "MorphGeodesicActiveContour"
self.params["alpha1"] = 1
self.params["alpha2"] = 1
self.params["beta1"] = 0.2
self.params["beta2"] = 0.3
self.params["beta2"] = 1
self.params["max_iter"] = 10
self.params["n_segments"] = 0
# self.params["tolerance"] = 0.001 #TODO Removed, consider adding
# in later if need be.
self.paramindexes = ["alpha1", "alpha2",
"beta1", "beta2", "n_segments", "max_iter"]
def evaluate(self, img):
"""Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image.
Keyword arguments:
img -- Original training image.
output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm.
# TODO We may want to move this? We need a number 1-4 smoothing
# iterations
smoothing = int(self.params["alpha1"] * 4)
balloon = (self.params["alpha2"] * 100) - 50
max_iter = self.params["max_iter"]
level_set_shapes = ['checkerboard', 'circle']
init_level_set = level_set_shapes[self.params['n_segments'] % 2]
if len(img.shape) > 2:
if "channel" in self.params:
channel = self.params['channel']
img = img[:, :, channel]
img = color.rgb2gray(img)
# We run the inverse_gaussian_gradient to get the image to use
gimage = skimage.segmentation.inverse_gaussian_gradient(
img, self.params["beta1"], self.params["beta2"]
# zeros = 0
output = skimage.segmentation.morphological_geodesic_active_contour(
return output
class Chan_Vese (paramlist=None)
Peform Chan Vese segmentation algorithm. ONLY GRAYSCALE.
Segments objects without clear boundaries. Returns segmentation array of algorithm. Parameters: image – ndarray grayscale image to be segmented mu – float, 'edge length' weight parameter. Higher mu vals make a 'round edge' closer to zero will detect smaller objects. Typical values are from 0 - 1. lambda1 – float 'diff from average' weight param to determine if output region is True. If lower than lambda1, the region has a larger range of values than the other lambda2 – float 'diff from average' weight param to determine if output region is False. If lower than lambda1, the region will have a larger range of values tol – positive float, typically (0-1), very low level set variation tolerance between iterations. max_iter – uint, max number of iterations before algorithms stops dt – float, Multiplication factor applied at the calculations step
Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm.
Assign default values to these parameters.
Expand source code
class Chan_Vese(segmentor): """Peform Chan Vese segmentation algorithm. ONLY GRAYSCALE. Segments objects without clear boundaries. Returns segmentation array of algorithm. Parameters: image -- ndarray grayscale image to be segmented mu -- float, 'edge length' weight parameter. Higher mu vals make a 'round edge' closer to zero will detect smaller objects. Typical values are from 0 - 1. lambda1 -- float 'diff from average' weight param to determine if output region is True. If lower than lambda1, the region has a larger range of values than the other lambda2 -- float 'diff from average' weight param to determine if output region is False. If lower than lambda1, the region will have a larger range of values tol -- positive float, typically (0-1), very low level set variation tolerance between iterations. max_iter -- uint, max number of iterations before algorithms stops dt -- float, Multiplication factor applied at the calculations step """ # Abbreviation for Algorithm = CV def __init__(self, paramlist=None): """Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm. Assign default values to these parameters. """ super(Chan_Vese, self).__init__(paramlist) self.params["algorithm"] = "Chan_Vese" self.params["alpha1"] = 1 self.params["beta1"] = 1 self.params["beta2"] = 1 self.params["max_iter"] = 10 self.params["alpha2"] = 0.10 self.params["n_segments"] = 0 # self.params["tolerance"] = 0.001 #TODO Removed, consider adding in # later if need be. self.paramindexes = ["alpha1", "alpha2", "beta1", "beta2", "n_segments", "max_iter"] self.set_params(paramlist) def evaluate(self, img): """Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image. Keyword arguments: img -- Original training image. Output: output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm. """ # TODO I think this should be between zero and one. mu = self.params["alpha1"] * 2 # TODO Not sure about the range of these. Previous was (10,20) lambda1 = self.params["beta1"] lambda2 = self.params["beta2"] max_iter = self.params["max_iter"] dt = self.params["alpha2"] level_set_shapes = ['checkerboard', 'disk', 'small disk'] init_level_set = level_set_shapes[self.params['n_segments'] % 3] if len(img.shape) > 2: if "channel" in self.params: channel = self.params['channel'] img = img[:, :, channel] else: img = color.rgb2gray(img) output = skimage.segmentation.chan_vese( img, mu=mu, lambda1=lambda1, lambda2=lambda2, max_iter=max_iter, dt=dt, init_level_set=init_level_set ) return output
def evaluate(self, img)
Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image.
Keyword arguments: img – Original training image.
Output: output – resulting segmentation mask from algorithm.
Expand source code
def evaluate(self, img): """Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image. Keyword arguments: img -- Original training image. Output: output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm. """ # TODO I think this should be between zero and one. mu = self.params["alpha1"] * 2 # TODO Not sure about the range of these. Previous was (10,20) lambda1 = self.params["beta1"] lambda2 = self.params["beta2"] max_iter = self.params["max_iter"] dt = self.params["alpha2"] level_set_shapes = ['checkerboard', 'disk', 'small disk'] init_level_set = level_set_shapes[self.params['n_segments'] % 3] if len(img.shape) > 2: if "channel" in self.params: channel = self.params['channel'] img = img[:, :, channel] else: img = color.rgb2gray(img) output = skimage.segmentation.chan_vese( img, mu=mu, lambda1=lambda1, lambda2=lambda2, max_iter=max_iter, dt=dt, init_level_set=init_level_set ) return output
Inherited members
class ColorThreshold (paramlist=None)
Peform Color Thresholding segmentation algorithm. Segments parts of the image based on the numerical values for the respective channel.
Parameters: mulitchannel - (multichannel) - bool, Whether the image is 2D or 3D colorspace - (colorspace) Select the colorspace [‘RGB’, ‘HSV’, ‘RGB CIE’, ‘XYZ’, ‘YUV’, ‘YIQ’, ‘YPbPr’, ‘YCbCr’, ‘YDbDr’] channel - (channel) color chanel (0:R/H/L 1:G/S/A, 2:B/V/B) ch0_mn - (alpha1) - minimum thresholding value for channel 0 ch0_mx - (alpha2) - maximum thresholding value for channel 0 ch1_mn - (beta1) - minimum thresholding value for channel 1 ch1_mx - (beta2) - maximum thresholding value for channel 1 ch2_mn - (gamma1) - minimum thresholding value for channel 2 ch2_mx - (gamma2) - maximum thresholding value for channel 2
Note: a colorspace of 'HSV' and a channel of 2 is a grayscale image.
Typically any pixel between my_mn and my_mx are true. Other pixels are false.
if my_mn > my_mx then the logic flips and anything above my_mn and below my_mx are true. The pixels between the valuse are false
Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm.
Assign default values to these parameters.
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class ColorThreshold(segmentor): """ColorThreshold. Peform Color Thresholding segmentation algorithm. Segments parts of the image based on the numerical values for the respective channel. Parameters: mulitchannel - (multichannel) - bool, Whether the image is 2D or 3D colorspace - (colorspace) Select the colorspace [‘RGB’, ‘HSV’, ‘RGB CIE’, ‘XYZ’, ‘YUV’, ‘YIQ’, ‘YPbPr’, ‘YCbCr’, ‘YDbDr’] channel - (channel) color chanel (0:R/H/L 1:G/S/A, 2:B/V/B) ch0_mn - (alpha1) - minimum thresholding value for channel 0 ch0_mx - (alpha2) - maximum thresholding value for channel 0 ch1_mn - (beta1) - minimum thresholding value for channel 1 ch1_mx - (beta2) - maximum thresholding value for channel 1 ch2_mn - (gamma1) - minimum thresholding value for channel 2 ch2_mx - (gamma2) - maximum thresholding value for channel 2 Note: a colorspace of 'HSV' and a channel of 2 is a grayscale image. Typically any pixel between my_mn and my_mx are true. Other pixels are false. if my_mn > my_mx then the logic flips and anything above my_mn and below my_mx are true. The pixels between the valuse are false """ def __init__(self, paramlist=None): """Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm. Assign default values to these parameters. """ self.params = seg_params() self.params["algorithm"] = "ColorThreshold" self.params["alpha1"] = 0.4 self.params["alpha2"] = 0.6 self.params["beta1"] = 0.4 self.params["beta2"] = 0.6 self.params["gamma1"] = 0.4 self.params["gamma2"] = 0.6 self.paramindexes = ["alpha1", "alpha2", "beta1", "beta2", "gamma1", "gamma2"] #print(f"colorthreshold.paramlist = {paramlist}") self.set_params(paramlist) # print(f"_init_.self.params={self.params}") def evaluate(self, img): # XX """Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image. Keyword arguments: img -- Original training image. Output: output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm. """ minlist = ["alpha1", "beta1", "gamma1"] maxlist = ["alpha2", "beta2", "gamma2"] output = None # print(f"self.params={self.params}") if len(img.shape) > 2: output = np.ones([img.shape[0], img.shape[1]]) for dimidx in range(3): pscale = np.max(img[:, :, dimidx]) my_mn = float(self.params[minlist[dimidx]]) * pscale my_mx = float(self.params[maxlist[dimidx]]) * pscale if my_mn < my_mx: output[img[:, :, dimidx] < my_mn] = 0 output[img[:, :, dimidx] > my_mx] = 0 else: flag1 = img[:, :, dimidx] > my_mn flag2 = img[:, :, dimidx] < my_mx output[np.logical_and(flag1, flag2)] = 0 else: pscale = np.max(img) chidx = 0 if "channel" in self.params: chidx = self.params["channel"] my_mn = float(self.params[minlist[chidx]]) * pscale my_mx = float(self.params[maxlist[chidx]]) * pscale if my_mn < my_mx: output = np.ones(img.shape) output[img < my_mn] = 0 output[img > my_mx] = 0 else: output = np.zeros(img.shape) output[img > my_mn] = 1 output[img < my_mx] = 1 return output
def evaluate(self, img)
Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image.
Keyword arguments: img – Original training image.
Output: output – resulting segmentation mask from algorithm.
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def evaluate(self, img): # XX """Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image. Keyword arguments: img -- Original training image. Output: output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm. """ minlist = ["alpha1", "beta1", "gamma1"] maxlist = ["alpha2", "beta2", "gamma2"] output = None # print(f"self.params={self.params}") if len(img.shape) > 2: output = np.ones([img.shape[0], img.shape[1]]) for dimidx in range(3): pscale = np.max(img[:, :, dimidx]) my_mn = float(self.params[minlist[dimidx]]) * pscale my_mx = float(self.params[maxlist[dimidx]]) * pscale if my_mn < my_mx: output[img[:, :, dimidx] < my_mn] = 0 output[img[:, :, dimidx] > my_mx] = 0 else: flag1 = img[:, :, dimidx] > my_mn flag2 = img[:, :, dimidx] < my_mx output[np.logical_and(flag1, flag2)] = 0 else: pscale = np.max(img) chidx = 0 if "channel" in self.params: chidx = self.params["channel"] my_mn = float(self.params[minlist[chidx]]) * pscale my_mx = float(self.params[maxlist[chidx]]) * pscale if my_mn < my_mx: output = np.ones(img.shape) output[img < my_mn] = 0 output[img > my_mx] = 0 else: output = np.zeros(img.shape) output[img > my_mn] = 1 output[img < my_mx] = 1 return output
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class Felzenszwalb (paramlist=None)
Perform Felzenszwalb segmentation algorithm.
The felzenszwalb algorithms computes a graph based on the segmentation. Produces an oversegmentation of the multichannel using min-span tree. Returns an integer mask indicating the segment labels.
Note: a colorspace of 'HSV' and a channel of 2 is a grayscale image.
Parameters: colorspace - (colorspace) Select the colorspace (0:RGB, 1:HSV, 2:LAB) channel - (channel) color chanel (0:R/H/L 1:G/S/A, 2:B/V/B) scale - (alpha21000) - float, higher meanse larger clusters sigma - (alpha1) - float, std. dev of Gaussian kernel for preprocessing min_size - int(beta1100) - int, minimum component size (in pixels). For postprocessing
Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm.
Assign default values to these parameters.
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class Felzenszwalb(segmentor): """Perform Felzenszwalb segmentation algorithm. The felzenszwalb algorithms computes a graph based on the segmentation. Produces an oversegmentation of the multichannel using min-span tree. Returns an integer mask indicating the segment labels. Note: a colorspace of 'HSV' and a channel of 2 is a grayscale image. Parameters: colorspace - (colorspace) Select the colorspace (0:RGB, 1:HSV, 2:LAB) channel - (channel) color chanel (0:R/H/L 1:G/S/A, 2:B/V/B) scale - (alpha2*1000) - float, higher meanse larger clusters sigma - (alpha1) - float, std. dev of Gaussian kernel for preprocessing min_size - int(beta1*100) - int, minimum component size (in pixels). For postprocessing """ # def __doc__(self): # """Return help string for function.""" # myhelp = "Wrapper function for the scikit-image Felzenszwalb segmentor:" # myhelp += f" xx {skimage.segmentation.random_walker.__doc__}" # return myhelp def __init__(self, paramlist=None): """Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm. Assign default values to these parameters. """ super(Felzenszwalb, self).__init__(paramlist) self.params["algorithm"] = "Felzenszwalb" self.params["alpha2"] = 0.984 self.params["alpha1"] = 0.09 self.params["beta1"] = 0.92 self.paramindexes = ["alpha1", "alpha2", "beta1"] self.set_params(paramlist) def evaluate(self, img): """Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image. Keyword arguments: img -- Original training image. Output: output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm. """ scale = self.params["alpha2"]*1000 sigma = self.params["alpha1"] min_size = int(self.params["beta1"] * 100) if len(img.shape) > 2: output = skimage.segmentation.felzenszwalb( img, scale, sigma, min_size, multichannel=True ) else: output = skimage.segmentation.felzenszwalb( img, scale, sigma, min_size, multichannel=False ) return output
def evaluate(self, img)
Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image.
Keyword arguments: img – Original training image.
Output: output – resulting segmentation mask from algorithm.
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def evaluate(self, img): """Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image. Keyword arguments: img -- Original training image. Output: output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm. """ scale = self.params["alpha2"]*1000 sigma = self.params["alpha1"] min_size = int(self.params["beta1"] * 100) if len(img.shape) > 2: output = skimage.segmentation.felzenszwalb( img, scale, sigma, min_size, multichannel=True ) else: output = skimage.segmentation.felzenszwalb( img, scale, sigma, min_size, multichannel=False ) return output
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class MorphGeodesicActiveContour (paramlist=None)
Peform Morphological Geodesic Active Contour segmentation algorithm.
Uses an image from inverse_gaussian_gradient in order to segment object with visible, but noisy/broken borders. inverse_gaussian_gradient computes the magnitude of the gradients in an image. Returns a preprocessed image suitable for above function. Returns ndarray of segmented image.
Parameters: gimage – array, preprocessed image to be segmented. iterations – uint, number of iterations to run. init_level_set – str, array same shape as gimage. If string, possible values are: 'checkerboard': Uses checkerboard_level_set. Returns a binary level set of a checkerboard 'circle': Uses circle_level_set. Creates a binary level set of a circle, given radius and a center smoothing – uint, number of times the smoothing operator is applied per iteration. Usually 1-4, larger values have smoother segmentation. threshold – Areas of image with a smaller value than the threshold are borders. balloon – float, guides contour of low-information parts of image.
Preprocessign step:
Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm.
Assign default values to these parameters.
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class MorphGeodesicActiveContour(segmentor): """Peform Morphological Geodesic Active Contour segmentation algorithm. Uses an image from inverse_gaussian_gradient in order to segment object with visible, but noisy/broken borders. inverse_gaussian_gradient computes the magnitude of the gradients in an image. Returns a preprocessed image suitable for above function. Returns ndarray of segmented image. Parameters: gimage -- array, preprocessed image to be segmented. iterations -- uint, number of iterations to run. init_level_set -- str, array same shape as gimage. If string, possible values are: 'checkerboard': Uses checkerboard_level_set. Returns a binary level set of a checkerboard 'circle': Uses circle_level_set. Creates a binary level set of a circle, given radius and a center smoothing -- uint, number of times the smoothing operator is applied per iteration. Usually 1-4, larger values have smoother segmentation. threshold -- Areas of image with a smaller value than the threshold are borders. balloon -- float, guides contour of low-information parts of image. morphological_geodesic_active_contour Preprocessign step: """ # Abbrevieation for algorithm = AC def __init__(self, paramlist=None): """Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm. Assign default values to these parameters. """ super(MorphGeodesicActiveContour, self).__init__(paramlist) if not paramlist: self.params["algorithm"] = "MorphGeodesicActiveContour" self.params["alpha1"] = 1 self.params["alpha2"] = 1 self.params["beta1"] = 0.2 self.params["beta2"] = 0.3 self.params["beta2"] = 1 self.params["max_iter"] = 10 self.params["n_segments"] = 0 # self.params["tolerance"] = 0.001 #TODO Removed, consider adding # in later if need be. self.paramindexes = ["alpha1", "alpha2", "beta1", "beta2", "n_segments", "max_iter"] self.set_params(paramlist) def evaluate(self, img): """Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image. Keyword arguments: img -- Original training image. Output: output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm. """ # TODO We may want to move this? We need a number 1-4 smoothing # iterations smoothing = int(self.params["alpha1"] * 4) balloon = (self.params["alpha2"] * 100) - 50 max_iter = self.params["max_iter"] level_set_shapes = ['checkerboard', 'circle'] init_level_set = level_set_shapes[self.params['n_segments'] % 2] if len(img.shape) > 2: if "channel" in self.params: channel = self.params['channel'] img = img[:, :, channel] else: img = color.rgb2gray(img) # We run the inverse_gaussian_gradient to get the image to use gimage = skimage.segmentation.inverse_gaussian_gradient( img, self.params["beta1"], self.params["beta2"] ) # zeros = 0 output = skimage.segmentation.morphological_geodesic_active_contour( gimage, max_iter, init_level_set, smoothing, threshold="auto", balloon=balloon, ) return output
def evaluate(self, img)
Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image.
Keyword arguments: img – Original training image.
Output: output – resulting segmentation mask from algorithm.
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def evaluate(self, img): """Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image. Keyword arguments: img -- Original training image. Output: output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm. """ # TODO We may want to move this? We need a number 1-4 smoothing # iterations smoothing = int(self.params["alpha1"] * 4) balloon = (self.params["alpha2"] * 100) - 50 max_iter = self.params["max_iter"] level_set_shapes = ['checkerboard', 'circle'] init_level_set = level_set_shapes[self.params['n_segments'] % 2] if len(img.shape) > 2: if "channel" in self.params: channel = self.params['channel'] img = img[:, :, channel] else: img = color.rgb2gray(img) # We run the inverse_gaussian_gradient to get the image to use gimage = skimage.segmentation.inverse_gaussian_gradient( img, self.params["beta1"], self.params["beta2"] ) # zeros = 0 output = skimage.segmentation.morphological_geodesic_active_contour( gimage, max_iter, init_level_set, smoothing, threshold="auto", balloon=balloon, ) return output
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class Morphological_Chan_Vese (paramlist=None)
Peform Morphological Chan Vese segmentation algorithm.
ONLY WORKS ON GRAYSCALE. Active contours without edges. Can be used to segment images/volumes without good borders. Required that the inside of the object looks different than outside (color, shade, darker).
Parameters: image – ndarray of grayscale image iterations – uint, number of iterations to run init_level_set – str, or array same shape as image. Accepted string values are: 'checkerboard': Uses checkerboard_level_set. Returns a binary level set of a checkerboard 'circle': Uses circle_level_set. Creates a binary level set of a circle, given radius and a center smoothing – uint, number of times the smoothing operator is applied per iteration. Usually around 1-4. Larger values make it smoother lambda1 – Weight param for outer region. If larger than lambda2, outer region will give larger range of values than inner value. lambda2 – Weight param for inner region. If larger thant lambda1, inner region will have a larger range of values than outer region.
Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm.
Assign default values to these parameters.
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class Morphological_Chan_Vese(segmentor): """Peform Morphological Chan Vese segmentation algorithm. ONLY WORKS ON GRAYSCALE. Active contours without edges. Can be used to segment images/volumes without good borders. Required that the inside of the object looks different than outside (color, shade, darker). Parameters: image -- ndarray of grayscale image iterations -- uint, number of iterations to run init_level_set -- str, or array same shape as image. Accepted string values are: 'checkerboard': Uses checkerboard_level_set. Returns a binary level set of a checkerboard 'circle': Uses circle_level_set. Creates a binary level set of a circle, given radius and a center smoothing -- uint, number of times the smoothing operator is applied per iteration. Usually around 1-4. Larger values make it smoother lambda1 -- Weight param for outer region. If larger than lambda2, outer region will give larger range of values than inner value. lambda2 -- Weight param for inner region. If larger thant lambda1, inner region will have a larger range of values than outer region. """ # Abbreviation for algorithm = MCV def __init__(self, paramlist=None): """Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm. Assign default values to these parameters. """ super(Morphological_Chan_Vese, self).__init__(paramlist) if not paramlist: self.params["algorithm"] = "Morphological_Chan_Vese" self.params["alpha1"] = 1 self.params["beta1"] = 1 self.params["beta2"] = 1 self.params["max_iter"] = 10 self.params["n_segments"] = 0 # self.params["tolerance"] = 0.001 #TODO Removed, consider adding # in later if need be. self.paramindexes = ["alpha1", "beta1", "beta2", "n_segments", "max_iter"] self.set_params(paramlist) def evaluate(self, img): """Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image. Keyword arguments: img -- Original training image. Output: output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm. """ smoothing = int(self.params["alpha1"]*4) # TODO We may want to move this? We need a number 1-4 smoothing iterations # TODO Not sure about the range of these. Previous was (10,20) lambda1 = self.params["beta1"] lambda2 = self.params["beta2"] max_iter = self.params["max_iter"] level_set_shapes = ['checkerboard', 'circle'] init_level_set = level_set_shapes[self.params['n_segments'] % 2] if len(img.shape) > 2: if "channel" in self.params: channel = self.params['channel'] img = img[:, :, channel] else: img = color.rgb2gray(img) output = skimage.segmentation.morphological_chan_vese( img, iterations=max_iter, init_level_set=init_level_set, smoothing=smoothing, lambda1=lambda1, lambda2=lambda2, ) return output
def evaluate(self, img)
Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image.
Keyword arguments: img – Original training image. Output: output – resulting segmentation mask from algorithm.
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def evaluate(self, img): """Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image. Keyword arguments: img -- Original training image. Output: output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm. """ smoothing = int(self.params["alpha1"]*4) # TODO We may want to move this? We need a number 1-4 smoothing iterations # TODO Not sure about the range of these. Previous was (10,20) lambda1 = self.params["beta1"] lambda2 = self.params["beta2"] max_iter = self.params["max_iter"] level_set_shapes = ['checkerboard', 'circle'] init_level_set = level_set_shapes[self.params['n_segments'] % 2] if len(img.shape) > 2: if "channel" in self.params: channel = self.params['channel'] img = img[:, :, channel] else: img = color.rgb2gray(img) output = skimage.segmentation.morphological_chan_vese( img, iterations=max_iter, init_level_set=init_level_set, smoothing=smoothing, lambda1=lambda1, lambda2=lambda2, ) return output
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class QuickShift (paramlist=None)
Perform the Quick Shift segmentation algorithm.
Segments images with quickshift clustering in Color (x,y) space. Returns ndarray segmentation mask of the labels. Parameters: image – ndarray, input image ratio – float, balances color-space proximity & image-space proximity. Higher vals give more weight to color-space kernel_size: float, Width of Guassian kernel using smoothing. Higher means fewer clusters max_dist – float, Cut-off point for data distances. Higher means fewer clusters sigma – float, Width of Guassian smoothing as preprocessing. Zero means no smoothing random_seed – int, Random seed used for breacking ties.
Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm.
Assign default values to these parameters.
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class QuickShift(segmentor): """Perform the Quick Shift segmentation algorithm. Segments images with quickshift clustering in Color (x,y) space. Returns ndarray segmentation mask of the labels. Parameters: image -- ndarray, input image ratio -- float, balances color-space proximity & image-space proximity. Higher vals give more weight to color-space kernel_size: float, Width of Guassian kernel using smoothing. Higher means fewer clusters max_dist -- float, Cut-off point for data distances. Higher means fewer clusters sigma -- float, Width of Guassian smoothing as preprocessing. Zero means no smoothing random_seed -- int, Random seed used for breacking ties. """ def __init__(self, paramlist=None): """Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm. Assign default values to these parameters. """ super(QuickShift, self).__init__(paramlist) self.params["algorithm"] = "QuickShift" self.params["alpha1"] = 0.5 self.params["beta1"] = 0.5 self.params["beta2"] = 0.5 self.paramindexes = ["alpha1", "beta1", "beta2"] self.set_params(paramlist) def evaluate(self, img): """Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image. Keyword arguments: img -- Original training image. Output: output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm. """ mindim = min(img.shape) ratio = self.params["alpha1"] kernel_size = mindim / 10 * self.params["beta1"] + 1 max_dist = mindim * self.params["beta2"] output = skimage.segmentation.quickshift( img, ratio=ratio, kernel_size=kernel_size, max_dist=max_dist, sigma=0, # TODO this should be handeled in the preprocessing step random_seed=1, convert2lab=False ) return output
def evaluate(self, img)
Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image.
Keyword arguments: img – Original training image.
Output: output – resulting segmentation mask from algorithm.
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def evaluate(self, img): """Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image. Keyword arguments: img -- Original training image. Output: output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm. """ mindim = min(img.shape) ratio = self.params["alpha1"] kernel_size = mindim / 10 * self.params["beta1"] + 1 max_dist = mindim * self.params["beta2"] output = skimage.segmentation.quickshift( img, ratio=ratio, kernel_size=kernel_size, max_dist=max_dist, sigma=0, # TODO this should be handeled in the preprocessing step random_seed=1, convert2lab=False ) return output
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class Slic (paramlist=None)
Perform the Slic segmentation algorithm.
Segments k-means clustering in Color space (x, y, z). Returns a 2D or 3D array of labels.
Parameters: image – ndarray, input image n_segments – int, approximate number of labels in segmented output image compactness – float, Balances color proximity and space proximity. Higher values mean more weight to space proximity (superpixels become more square/cubic) Recommended log scale values (0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, etc) max_iter – int, max number of iterations of k-means sigma – float or (3,) shape array of floats, width of Guassian smoothing kernel. For pre-processing for each dimesion of the image. Zero means no smoothing. spacing – (3,) shape float array. Voxel spacing along each image dimension. Defalt is uniform spacing multichannel – bool, multichannel (True) vs grayscale (False)
Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm.
Assign default values to these parameters.
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class Slic(segmentor): """Perform the Slic segmentation algorithm. Segments k-means clustering in Color space (x, y, z). Returns a 2D or 3D array of labels. Parameters: image -- ndarray, input image n_segments -- int, approximate number of labels in segmented output image compactness -- float, Balances color proximity and space proximity. Higher values mean more weight to space proximity (superpixels become more square/cubic) Recommended log scale values (0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, etc) max_iter -- int, max number of iterations of k-means sigma -- float or (3,) shape array of floats, width of Guassian smoothing kernel. For pre-processing for each dimesion of the image. Zero means no smoothing. spacing -- (3,) shape float array. Voxel spacing along each image dimension. Defalt is uniform spacing multichannel -- bool, multichannel (True) vs grayscale (False) enforce_connectivity """ def __init__(self, paramlist=None): """Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm. Assign default values to these parameters. """ super(Slic, self).__init__(paramlist) self.params["algorithm"] = "Slic" self.params["n_segments"] = 5 self.params["beta1"] = 2 self.params["max_iter"] = 10 self.params["alpha1"] = 0.5 self.paramindexes = ["n_segments", "alpha1", "beta1", "max_iter"] self.slico = False self.set_params(paramlist) def evaluate(self, img): """Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image. Keyword arguments: img -- Original training image. Output: output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm. """ compactness = 10**(self.params["beta1"]*3-3) n_segments = self.params["n_segments"]+1 max_iter = self.params["max_iter"] if len(img.shape) > 2: output = skimage.segmentation.slic( img, n_segments=n_segments, compactness=compactness, max_iter=max_iter, # Gaussian smoothing should happen as a preprocessing step. sigma=0, convert2lab=False, multichannel=True, slic_zero=self.slico ) else: output = skimage.segmentation.slic( img, n_segments=n_segments, compactness=compactness, max_iter=max_iter, sigma=self.params["alpha1"], multichannel=False, slic_zero=self.slico ) return output
def evaluate(self, img)
Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image.
Keyword arguments: img – Original training image. Output: output – resulting segmentation mask from algorithm.
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def evaluate(self, img): """Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image. Keyword arguments: img -- Original training image. Output: output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm. """ compactness = 10**(self.params["beta1"]*3-3) n_segments = self.params["n_segments"]+1 max_iter = self.params["max_iter"] if len(img.shape) > 2: output = skimage.segmentation.slic( img, n_segments=n_segments, compactness=compactness, max_iter=max_iter, # Gaussian smoothing should happen as a preprocessing step. sigma=0, convert2lab=False, multichannel=True, slic_zero=self.slico ) else: output = skimage.segmentation.slic( img, n_segments=n_segments, compactness=compactness, max_iter=max_iter, sigma=self.params["alpha1"], multichannel=False, slic_zero=self.slico ) return output
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class SlicO (paramlist=None)
Perform the SlicO segmentation algorithm.
Segments k-means clustering in Color space (x, y, z). Returns a 2D or 3D array of labels.
Parameters: image – ndarray, input image n_segments – int, approximate number of labels in segmented output image compactness – float, Balances color proximity and space proximity. Higher values mean more weight to space proximity (superpixels become more square/cubic) Recommended log scale values (0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, etc) max_iter – int, max number of iterations of k-means sigma – float or (3,) shape array of floats, width of Guassian smoothing kernel. For pre-processing for each dimesion of the image. Zero means no smoothing. spacing – (3,) shape float array. Voxel spacing along each image dimension. Defalt is uniform spacing multichannel – bool, multichannel (True) vs grayscale (False)
Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm.
Assign default values to these parameters.
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class SlicO(Slic): """Perform the SlicO segmentation algorithm. Segments k-means clustering in Color space (x, y, z). Returns a 2D or 3D array of labels. Parameters: image -- ndarray, input image n_segments -- int, approximate number of labels in segmented output image compactness -- float, Balances color proximity and space proximity. Higher values mean more weight to space proximity (superpixels become more square/cubic) Recommended log scale values (0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, etc) max_iter -- int, max number of iterations of k-means sigma -- float or (3,) shape array of floats, width of Guassian smoothing kernel. For pre-processing for each dimesion of the image. Zero means no smoothing. spacing -- (3,) shape float array. Voxel spacing along each image dimension. Defalt is uniform spacing multichannel -- bool, multichannel (True) vs grayscale (False) enforce_connectivity """ def __init__(self, paramlist=None): """Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm. Assign default values to these parameters. """ super(SlicO, self).__init__(paramlist) self.slico = True self.set_params(paramlist)
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class Watershed (paramlist=None)
Perform the Watershed segmentation algorithm. Uses user-markers.
treats markers as basins and 'floods' them. Especially good if overlapping objects. Returns a labeled image ndarray. Parameters: image – ndarray, input array compactness – float, compactness of the basins. Higher values make more regularly-shaped basin.
Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm.
Assign default values to these parameters.
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class Watershed(segmentor): """Perform the Watershed segmentation algorithm. Uses user-markers. treats markers as basins and 'floods' them. Especially good if overlapping objects. Returns a labeled image ndarray. Parameters: image -- ndarray, input array compactness -- float, compactness of the basins. Higher values make more regularly-shaped basin. """ # Not using connectivity, markers, or offset params as arrays would # expand the search space too much. # abbreviation for algorithm = WS def __init__(self, paramlist=None): """Get parameters from parameter list that are used in segmentation algorithm. Assign default values to these parameters. """ super(Watershed, self).__init__(paramlist) self.params["algorithm"] = "Watershed" self.params["alpha1"] = 0.66 self.paramindexes = ["alpha1"] self.set_params(paramlist) def evaluate(self, img): """Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image. Keyword arguments: img -- Original training image. Output: output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm. """ compactness = self.params["alpha1"]*3 output = skimage.segmentation.watershed( img, markers=None, compactness=compactness ) return output
def evaluate(self, img)
Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image.
Keyword arguments: img – Original training image. Output: output – resulting segmentation mask from algorithm.
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def evaluate(self, img): """Evaluate segmentation algorithm on training image. Keyword arguments: img -- Original training image. Output: output -- resulting segmentation mask from algorithm. """ compactness = self.params["alpha1"]*3 output = skimage.segmentation.watershed( img, markers=None, compactness=compactness ) return output
Inherited members
class seg_params (*args, **kwargs)
Create and add parameters to data structures.
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class seg_params(param_space): """Create and add parameters to data structures.""" descriptions = dict() ranges = dict() pkeys = []
- param_space
- builtins.dict
Class variables
var descriptions
var pkeys
var ranges
Inherited members
class segmentor (paramlist=None)
Base class for segmentor classes defined below.
Functions: evaluate – Run segmentation algorithm to get inferred mask.
Generate algorithm params from parameter list.
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class segmentor(algorithm): """Base class for segmentor classes defined below. Functions: evaluate -- Run segmentation algorithm to get inferred mask. """ algorithmspace = dict() def __init__(self, paramlist=None): """Generate algorithm params from parameter list.""" #super(ColorThreshold, self).__init__(paramlist) self.params = seg_params() self.params['algorithm'] = 'ColorThreshold' self.params['alpha1'] = 0.3 self.params['alpha2'] = 0.5 self.params['beta1'] = 0.2 self.params['beta2'] = 0.7 self.params['gamma1'] = 0.3 self.params['gamma2'] = 0.5 self.params['n_segments'] = 2 self.params['max_iter'] = 10 self.set_params(paramlist) # TODO use name to build a dictionary to use as a chache def evaluate(self, img): """Run segmentation algorithm to get inferred mask.""" #print(f"Running {self.params}") sys.stdout.flush() self.thisalgo = segmentor.algorithmspace[self.params['algorithm']]( self.params) return self.thisalgo.evaluate(img) def pipe(self, data): """Set data.mask to an evaluated image.""" data.mask = self.evaluate(data.img) return data @classmethod def addsegmentor(cls, key, seg): """Add a segmentor.""" seg_params.ranges['algorithm'].append(key) cls.algorithmspace[key] = seg
- Chan_Vese
- ColorThreshold
- Felzenszwalb
- MorphGeodesicActiveContour
- Morphological_Chan_Vese
- QuickShift
- Slic
- Watershed
Class variables
var algorithmspace
Static methods
def addsegmentor(key, seg)
Add a segmentor.
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@classmethod def addsegmentor(cls, key, seg): """Add a segmentor.""" seg_params.ranges['algorithm'].append(key) cls.algorithmspace[key] = seg
def evaluate(self, img)
Run segmentation algorithm to get inferred mask.
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def evaluate(self, img): """Run segmentation algorithm to get inferred mask.""" #print(f"Running {self.params}") sys.stdout.flush() self.thisalgo = segmentor.algorithmspace[self.params['algorithm']]( self.params) return self.thisalgo.evaluate(img)
def pipe(self, data)
Set data.mask to an evaluated image.
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def pipe(self, data): """Set data.mask to an evaluated image.""" data.mask = self.evaluate(data.img) return data
Inherited members